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OMA Logo, 奧馬臨床心理綜合治療中心 logo

OMA’s professional team pledges to stay with you on the road to recovery. At the same time we will make joint effort in search of the springs of happiness which can eventually lead to a better life.

Our Partners:

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Over 150 schools, local or oversea corporates, government departments

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OMA的臨床心理輔導服務, 助您探索正面的力量,重燃對事物的興趣、重拾生活的熱誠。OMA的臨床心理團隊,與您剖析個人的內在運作模式,發掘一些連自己也不認識的潛能,剖析情緒的「表層」與「底層」,一起拆解情緒的困鎖。

OMA從歐美引進非入侵性腦神經刺激技術, 於2008年在美國已核准用於治療抑鬱症,多年來已累積了豐富病例資料。TMS應用於治療以下疾病群組,成果都十分顯著,當中包括了:失眠、認知障礙症、柏金遜症、腦中風、抑鬱症、焦慮症、強迫症等。


Our mission

OMA's clinical professional team is dedicated to providing comprehensive and user-friendly services at any time and place, especially for those who encounter difficulties in life, in a bid to regain the freedom of body and mind, and enjoy the beauty of life.

OMA Jordan

Our History

OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre was established in Hong Kong in 2019, with the first counselling centre in Wanchai and studio in Prince Edward. Apart from counseling and assessment services, counseling room rental service is also available for counselors. On-site counseling and training is also provided to schools and corporates. In July 2022, the third centre at Jordan was launched with the introduction of rTMS. Neuro-modulation devices for SEN students are also available. In 2023, Counseling & Expressive Art Centre and Sports Studio were set up in Central and Tai Kok Tsui respectively.


Our Objective

Contrary to traditional unitary approach, OMA adopts a holistic therapeutic approach. The professional team includes clinical psychologist, music, art, drama and play therapist, occupational therapist, sex therapist, dietitian, registered nurse, social worker, psychological counsellor and so on. Apart from individual counseling, OMA also provides small groups and workshops for schools and enterprises.

Service Features

All information is kept

strict confidential.

Professionals possess professional qualification and recognition.

Treatment plan is

tailor made for individual service user.

Counseling is under high privacy in

sound-proof space.

Copyright © 2023 OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre. 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心. All rights reserved. Disclaimer  |  Privacy Statement | Careers

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