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tDCS (Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation)


Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a neuromodulation therapy that uses electrodes placed on the head to deliver constant, low direct current to stimulate the brain, triggering changes in the resting membrane potential of brain nerve cells, and to treat emotional problems. tDCS has induced positive effect on concentration capability, cognitive impairment, Parkinson's disease, stroke and anxiety.


tDCS is a non-invasive equipment which is composed of an anode, cathode patch and a battery controller. The principle is to attach electrode patches to specific locations on the scalp. The study found that the activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of the left and right brains of patients with depression was too strong and too weak respectively. The anode stimulation of tDCS could enhance the activity of the brain cells while the cathode stimulation reduce the activity. Such mechanism will stimulate the corresponding parts of the brain to work on the right track.


Minor side effects of tDCS in a small number of patients include: itching, slight tingling of the scalp, fatigue, mild headache and nausea.

Charging Fee:

Treatment at Oma Centre – HK$1,200-$1,500

                       (About 45 mins in each session)

Treatment at Home – HK$2,500 (Monthly rental) (Deposit : $2,500) 

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