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余泳珊女士 Ms Yu Wing Shan(個人輔導)

香港大學輔導碩士課程實習輔導員 Placement Student of Master Degree in Counseling (HKU)

1 小
150 港元
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 語言 : 廣東話及普通話 每小時費用 : 港幣$150 (面談/網上) 余泳珊女士 香港大學輔導碩士課程實習輔導員 香港大學社會科學碩士(輔導學)學員 香港教育大學心理學榮譽社會科學學士 香港心理學協會會員 精神健康急救學員 余泳珊女士目前在香港大學修讀輔導碩士課程,專注於協助兒童及青少年的行為和情緒發展,亦熱忱於提供個人心理輔導。她擅長運用遊戲治療與認知行為治療,協助兒童及青少年的成長。除了專注於兒童和青少年輔導外,余女士對個人心理輔導充滿熱情,並接受專業訓練,運用沙維雅模式和個人中心治療來協助人們處理工作、家庭和人際關係的困擾。她希望透過實習為大眾提供優質的輔導服務。 英文 English: OMA Online Counseling service is open for all people without boundaries. You can access our online counseling service at any time and places to manage your personal problems with the support from our professional team. Language : Cantonese and Mandarin Hourly rate : $150 (Face-to-face or Online) Ms Yu Wing Shan Placement Student of Master Degree in Counseling (HKU) Studying Master of Social Sciences in the field of Counselling (University of Hong Kong) BA (Hons) in Social Science of Psychology (Education University of Hong Kong) Graduate Members (Hong Kong Psychological Society) Trained in Mental Health First Aid Miss Yu Wing Shan is pursuing a Master's degree in Counseling at the University of Hong Kong, focusing on the behavioural and emotional development of children and adolescents, as well as individual counselling. She is skilled in using play therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy to support the growth of young individuals. Miss Yu has received training in the Satir Model and person-centred therapy to help people address challenges in work, family, and relationships.


  • (852) 2110 2081

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