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張美寶博士 Dr Ada Cheung (面對法律訴訟輔導)

臨床心理學家 Clinical Psychologist

1 小
1,200 港元 起
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 網上輔導費用 : 港幣$1,200 (每小時) / 港幣$1,500 (每75分鐘) 語言 : 廣東話 及 英語 張美寶博士(臨床心理學家) 臨床心理學博士 國際醫療和牙科催眠治療協會認證催眠治療師 註冊 FOCCUS 婚前和婚前調解員 T-JTA 泰氏性格分析執行師 美國心理學會會員 張美寶博士善長的治療方法包括心理動力學療法、感知動能療法、認知行為療法、接受和承諾療法、藝術和遊戲療法、情緒聚焦療法和家庭療法。張博士擁有豐富的臨床經驗跟不同群組人士同行: (a) 患有自閉症群體障礙、注意力缺陷、多動障礙和選擇性緘默症的兒童; (b) 患有精神或心理障礙的青少年和成年人,例如抑鬱症、焦慮症和精神分裂症;(c) 有依戀或關係問題的夫婦或家庭。 英文 English: OMA Online Counseling service is open for all people without boundaries. You can access our online counseling service at any time and places to manage your personal problems with the support from our professional team. Online Counseling Fee: HK$1,200 (per hour) / HK$1,500 (per 75 mins) Language: Cantonese and English Dr. Ada Cheung, Clinical Psychologist Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) Certified Hypnotherapist, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association Registered FOCCUS Pre-marriage and Marriage Facilitator Authorized T-JTA Assessor & Analyst Member of American Psychological Association Dr Cheung excels at various proven treatment approaches which includes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Art and Play Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Emotion-focused Therapy, Family Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Dr Cheung has a wide clinical experience but not limited to: (a) children with autism group disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and selective mutism; (b) teenagers and adults with mental or psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia; (c) couples or families with attachment or relationship concerns.


  • (852) 2110 2081

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