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張雋笙博士 Dr. Eric Cheung (個人輔導)

特許心理學家 /註冊輔導師/啟導教練 Chartered Psychologist / Registered Counsellor / Certified Coach

1 小
1,500 港元
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 網上輔導費用 : 港幣$1500/每小時 (面見) 港幣$1200/每小時 (網上) 語言 : 廣東話 張雋笙博士 (特許心理學家 /註冊輔導師/啟導教練) 應用心理學博士 (澳門城市大學心理分析研究院) 教育輔導文學碩士 (香港教育大學) 教育碩士-人力資源培訓及發展 (香港教育大學) 工商管理碩士 (香港公開大學) 英國心理學會特許心理學家(CPsychol) 澳洲輔導協會註冊心理輔導師(MACA) 香港專業輔導協會會員(MHKPCA) MCF 註冊啟導教練Meta-Coach® (ACMC) 婚前及婚姻輔導証書Prepare / Enrich 高級靜觀親職導師 (荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學心理學系教授 Professor Susan Boegels 訓練) 英國 Bangor University 靜觀師資 L1 及MBSR 靜觀減壓專家 美國 NGH 認證催眠治療師及導師 Play Therapy International (UK) 治療遊戲技術培訓 NAHA認可香薰治療師 Dr. Eric 張博士是一位友善和有同理心的專業助人工作者,他不僅在心理學、輔導、教育、工商管理等領域有深入研究和實踐,並善於運用榮格分析心理學的各種干預技術,如心理分析、沙盤 遊戲、表達藝術、夢的工作和遊戲治療,讓受助者認識並接納自己,釋放創造性的潛能、重塑生命的意義。Eric注重不同的文化特質,採用適當的心理輔導方法,幫助受助者獲得身心靈的平衡與成長。 英文 English: OMA Online Counseling service is open for all people without boundaries. You can access our online counseling service at any time and places to manage your personal problems with the support from our professional team. Online Counseling Fee: HK$1,500/hour (Face-to-Face) HK$1,200/hour (Online) Language: Cantonese Dr. Eric Cheung (Chartered Psychologist / Registered Counsellor / Certified Coach) Doctor of Applied Psychology (City University of Macau) MA in Educational Counselling (The Education University of HK) Master of Education (The Education University of HK) Master of Business Administration (Open University of HK) Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society) Registered Counsellor (MACA) (Australian Counselling Association) Registered Full Member (MHKPCA), HK Professional Counselling Association Certified Meta-Coach® (ACMC), MetaCoach Foundation Certified Counsellor, Prepare / Enrich Advanced teacher in Mindful Parenting from Professor Susan Boegels Bangor University Mindfulness Teacher L1 and MBSR Specialist Certified hypnotherapist & Instructor, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Therapeutic Play Skills Training - Play Therapy International,UK Certified Aromatherapist (NAHA) Dr. Eric Cheung is a friendly and empathetic helping professional. He has conducted in-depth research and practice not only in the fields of psychology, counseling, education, and business management, and he is skilled in utilizing various Jungian analytical psychology intervention techniques, such as sandplay, expressive arts, dream work, and play therapy. Eric adopts appropriate counselling methods based on different cultural characteristics to help service users to find a balance and growth in mind, body, and spirit.


  • (852) 2110 2081

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