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李永輝先生 Mr Darwin Li (家庭及伴侶輔導)

註册輔導師及臨床督導 & 註册會計師 Approved Clinical Supervisor & Certified Practising Counsellor, CPA

1 小
900 港元 起
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 網上輔導費用 : 港幣$1,000 / 每小時(面見) 港幣$900 /小時 (網上) 語言 : 廣東話、英文及普通話 李永輝先生 註册輔導師及臨床督導 註册會計師 香港城市大學社會科學碩士 (輔導) (優異) 澳洲家庭輔導學院基督教輔導深造文憑, 基督教教練文憑 澳洲維多利亞大學工商管理碩士 澳洲墨爾本大學商學士 (榮譽) 澳洲輔導協會執業會員及認可臨床督導 亞洲專業輔導及心理協會註冊輔導及臨床督導 澳洲心理治療及輔導協會執業會員 澳洲註册輔導及心理治療師 香港專業輔導協會執業會員 澳洲基督教輔導協會執業會員 澳洲家庭治療協會專業會員 香港會計師公會院士 澳洲會計師公會院士 李先生擁有30多年的業務和7年的輔導和培訓經驗。他曾在亞太地區的廣泛行業中工作,曾擔任大型跨國公司和中小型企業高管職位,超過20年。 李先生在輔導和培訓工作經驗豐富,曾在多間輔導、企業培訓和發展中心、醫院、大學、學校工作。李生的輔導服務範疇廣闊,專長包括職業及生涯規劃,領導力發展及自尊、壓力管理、家庭、親職教育及關係、焦慮症及抑鬱症、哀傷及創傷、沉溺行為、移民及文化適應、基督教輔導及教練。 英文 English: Online Counseling Fee: HK$1,000 (Face-to-face) and $900 (Online) Language: Cantonese, English and Mandarin Mr Darwin Li Approved Clinical Supervisor & Certified Practising Counsellor, CPA Master of Social Science Counselling (Distinction) (City University of Hong Kong) Graduate Diploma of Christian Counselling & Certificate of Christian Coaching (Australian Institute of Family Counselling) Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) (University of Melbourne) Approved Clinical Supervisor & Registered Member of Australian Counselling Association (ACA) Registered Clinical Supervisor & Counsellor of Asian Professional Counselling and Psychology Association (APCPA) Certified Practicing Counsellor of Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (ARCAP) listed Professional Member of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA) Registered Member of Christian Counsellors Association of Australia (CCAA) Professional Member of Australian Association of Family Therapy (AAFT) Darwin has over 30 years of business and 7 years of counselling and training experiences. He had worked in both large sized multinational corporations and small/medium businesses, in a broad spectrum of industry, across Asia Pacific region. He had held key leadership and management positions for more than 20 years. Darwin’s counselling and training experience are versatile. Previously, he worked in various counselling and development centres, training and coaching company, hospital, university, schools. Due to wide professional exposure, Darwin has developed the expertise in Career & life transition, Leadership development & self esteem, Stress management, Family, parenting & relationship, Anxiety & depression, Grief & trauma, Addictive behaviour, Migration & acculturation, Christian counselling & coaching.


  • (852) 2110 2081

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