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胡啟恩女士 Ms. Fiona Wu (個人輔導)

註冊性治療師及註冊社工 Certified Sex Therapist and Registered Social Worker

1 小
1,000 港元 起
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 輔導費用 : 港幣$1200/每小時 (面見) , 港幣$1000/每小時 (網上) 語言 : 廣東話 及 普通話 歡迎致電(852) 2110 2081/ Whatsapp (852) 9794 4739/ 電郵 聯絡OMA預約面見輔導。 胡啟恩女士 註冊性治療師及註冊社工 註冊性治療師 (HKASERT) 社會工作碩士 文學(哲學)碩士 社會工作學士 香港專業輔導協會副院士 Fiona以性別友善(Gender-affirmative)及人本(Humanistic) 取向進行性治療及輔導工作,致力陪伴不同個人或伴侶面對與性或性別相關的成長困擾及關係障礙。擅長範圍包括:性小眾輔導、性別不安、性別暴力及創傷、婦女性健康、性生活困難、性偏好、成癮行為困擾等。受訓於敘事治療、全身自覺(培訓師)、內在關係生命自覺、靜觀、喜瑪拉雅頌缽療法等。Fiona亦從事社工及性別相關的教育工作。 英文 English: OMA Online Counseling service is open for all people without boundaries. You can access our online counseling service at any time and places to manage your personal problems with the support from our professional team. Counseling Fee: HK$1,200/hour(Face-to-Face) or HK$1,000/hour (online) Language: Cantonese and Putonghua Ms. Fiona Wu Registered Sex Therapist and Social Worker Certified Sex Therapist (HKASERT) Master of Social Work (HKBU) Master of Arts in Philosophy (CUHK) Bachelor of Social Work (HKBU) Associate Fellow (HKPCA) Fiona conducts sex therapy and counselling service with a gender-affirmative and humanistic approach. She is committed to accompany different individuals who face sexual, gender-related difficulties and relationship distress. Fiona is proficient at counseling for LGBTQ+, gender dysphoria, violence and trauma, women's sexual health, difficulties in sex-life, sexual preferences, addictive behavior problems, etc. Trained in Narrative Therapy, Relational Whole-Body Focusing (Trainer), Inner-Relationship Focusing, Mindfulness, Himalayan Singing Bowl Therapy, Fiona is also committed in social work and gender-related education.


  • (852) 2110 2081

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