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錢愛媚女士 Ms. Oi-Mei Chin (SG 新加坡)

催眠治療師∙溫柔分娩導師∙臨床心理學家 Hypnotherapist ∙ HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator

2 小時
1,500 港元
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 奧馬網上輔導服務,開放予任何人士處理個人問題,不論你身處何地,可以在任何時間以最簡易的方法,接觸合宜並專業的輔導員、臨床心理學家。 網上輔導費用 : 港幣$1,500 (每120分鐘) 語言 : 廣東話, 英語及國語 錢愛媚女士, 催眠治療師 ∙ HypnoBirthing®️ 溫柔分娩導師 美國國家催眠師公會註冊催眠治療師 HypnoBirthing®️ International認證導師 綜合臨床催眠治療證書 家庭系統排列(個別諮商)證書 初生嬰兒及產婦產後護理證書 工商管理碩士(英國) 錢女士積極為受到情緒及身體健康問題困擾的個案提供臨床服務。處理案例包括抑鬱、焦慮、恐慌發作、食物過敏、濕疹、精神創傷、面對親人離世的傷痛等等。作為母親,錢女士致力推廣自然分娩及HypnoBirthing®️溫柔分娩教學。HypnoBirthing®️不只是融入了催眠技巧和導入冥想,而是一套包含醫學分娩智識、產程呼吸、自我催眠、深度放鬆、營養健康管理、分娩伴侶對孕婦支援,讓父母們帶著平和喜悅的心情見證孩子的來臨。 英文 English: OMA Online Counseling service is open for all people without boundaries. You can access our online counseling service at any time and places to manage your personal problems with the support from our professional team. Online Counseling Fee : HK$1,500 (per 120 mins) Language : Cantonese, English and Mandarin Ms. Oi-Mei Chin, Hypnotherapist∙HypnoBirthing®️ Childbirth Educator Certified Hypnotherapist of National Guild of Hypnotists Certified HypnoBirthing®️ International Childbirth Educator Certificate in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Certificate in Family Constellation Counselling Certificate in Post-natal Care Training Master of Business Administration (UK) Oi-Mei’s practice as a Hypnotherapist has helped many clients to overcome physical & emotional issues including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, food allergy, eczema, trauma & grief, etc. As a natural childbirth educator specialized in HypnoBirthing®️, Oi-Mei provides face-to-face and online childbirth education courses to help prepare mothers and their birthing partners for a calm, uplifting and empowering birthing experience.


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