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陳惠芬女士 Ms Eppie WF CHAN (個人輔導)

心理輔導員及臨床督導 Experienced Counselor and Clinical Supervisor

1 小
600 港元 起
OMA Clinical Psychology Integrated Therapeutic Centre 奧馬臨床心理·綜合治療中心


中文 Chinese: 陳女士EPPIE是一位註冊臨床督導,亦是澳洲輔導協會註冊輔導員。她擁有 20年學校及私人輔導中心輔導經驗,對協助青少年及成人面對生活壓力、 人際關係、心理創傷及其他精神健康問題極具心得。Eppie不時舉辦與精神健康、親子關係相關講座,另為學校輔導員及老師提供培訓課程。 網上輔導費用 : 港幣$900/每小時(面見) 港幣$600/每小時(網上) 語言 : 廣東話、英語及普通話 輔導學碩士 教育學士 亞洲專業輔導及心理協會註冊臨床督導 澳洲輔導協會註冊輔導員 香港專業輔導協會會員 婚前婚後評估及認可輔導員 創傷心理治療師(災後心理輔導協會) 精神健康急救導師訓練証書 人本兒童遊戲治療訓練證書 加速體驗性動力學(感動治療)訓練證書 眼動減敏治療訓練證書 英文 English: Eppie is a Registered Clinical Supervisor of APCPA and Registered Counsellor of Australian Counselling Association. She serves in school and private counseling centre for 20 years. She is passionate to help youths and adults who suffer from stress, trauma, mental health issues and relationship problems. She provides training in different topics, including mental health, parenting or counseling skills, for teachers and counselors from time to time. Counseling Fee : $900 per hour (face-to-face) $600 per hour (online) Language : Cantonese, English and Mandarin Dr.Vanessa Hwa, Clinical Psychologist Master of Social Science in Counselling Bachelor of Education Registered APCPA Clinical Supervisor Registered ACA Counsellor Registered HKPCA member Prepare/Enrich Certified Counselor Registered PCCN Trauma Psychotherapist Mental Health First Aid Instructor Certificate in Child-Centered Play Therapy Certificate in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Certificate in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing


  • (852) 2110 2081

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